this is my attempt at a straightforward way to rhyme the 10 Commandments and the Sh'ma so my students can memorize them easily. my friend johnny cash helped me get started with his version. most of the other songs or videos i found were trite or complicated (a couple of them even seemed more like brainwashing than teaching!).
1 You shall have no gods before Me, that’s My first command
2 Do not make any graven image or idols by your hands
3 Do not take My Name in vain or speak of Me carelessly
4 Remember to keep the Sabbath Holy and to worship Me
5 Honor your father and your mother
6 You shall not kill
7 Do not commit adultery
8 Do not ever steal
9 Do not ever lie to others, but always speak the Truth
10 Do not covet your neighbor's stuff or want what doesn’t
belong to you
So Hear me now, O Israel, I will teach you how to stand:
Always Fear the Lord your God! Fall in Love with His
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is forever One.
Love Him with all your heart, soul, and strength, with the breath
inside your lungs.
These commands you’ve heard today must be written on your
Impress them on your children! Sing them in your cars!
Remember them when sit at home or you’re walking on the street,
When you lie down and when you get up and when you brush
your teeth.
Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your
Write them on your doorframes and on the ceiling above your
And let your Fear and Love of God be equal and never cease,
May He Bless, Keep, Shine on and Face you, granting His
Goodness and His Peace.